When I left the security of a steady paycheck to build an insurance agency with my brother, I didn’t realize that in order to place an insurance policy you need to be under contract with an insurance company. Furthermore, you need to have business that you can actually place with them. So I asked myself how do I solve this dilemma?

The chicken or egg dilemma had me scurrying (and wondering if my old job was still available) until I found a portal to place business without a contract. It was my introduction to “Excess and Surplus” insurance – a marketplace with resources for insuring unique businesses. With E&S, I identified carriers who wrote Professional Liability Insurance.

Chicken running

Alas, my path was set. I began prospecting architects, engineers, consultants and lobbyists, (primarily in Washington, DC) and the business grew by writing Professional Liability policies for these professional industries.

My career path has been a direct result of an apparent causality problem of which came first, the chicken or the egg. I still don’t know which came first, but being forced to decide, I learned another parable: necessity is the mother of invention.

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